Plenty of people put their motorbike into cheap storage. If you are one of those people you will need to prepare your vehicle properly so it comes out of the unit as you left it – here’s how. There are plenty of motorbike enthusiasts in the UK, and plenty of people...
I’ve never actually lived in a new-build home but I have visited plenty – either when visiting friends and family or just when I have been curious and taken a peek at the show homes on one of the many new developments springing up in our already crowded part of the...
Many people store precious belongings, household items or business stock in self-storage units year round because they provide an inexpensive option to other forms of storage. But if you do have possessions in storage over the cold winter period ahead then it will pay...
Self Storage Auctions are auctions offered by the self storage companies over the items of a tenant who fails to pay their monthly rent over a certain period of time. It is an alternative way to find valuable items, rather than at Garage Sales or Flea Markets…...
Are you looking at picking a storage unit to store your belongings? Is so, then the first step that you have to take is to find a reliable storage service provider in your city. Believe it or not, but you need to take into consideration several factors when choosing a...
Wine Self Storage has emerged as a cost-effective way to store your wine products for both commercial or personal use. These units are effectively modern-day Wine Cellars, and many Storage Companies are offering Wine Storage services… Wine Self Storage has...
There are many reasons why an individual or business would need a self-storage unit but you should remember that there are limitations and restrictions on certain items you can store in a storage unit. The reason for the limitations is usually for legal and safety...
A lot of people worry about the consequences of not paying for self storage. Here we alleviate those fears by looking at what happens, so self storage customers can be aware. One of the reasons people avoid investing in a self storage unit is through fear of what...
It’s fairly obvious that the larger a self storage unit is the more it is going to cost you to rent so it makes sense to try and squeeze as much into a unit as possible as the saving each month could be significant, especially for a long term rental. But you do...